Five Center Directors, namely Food and Beverage Industry research and development center, Manufacturing Technology and Engineering industry research and development center, Textile Industry research and development center, Chemical and Construction input industry research and development center, Kaizen Center of Excellence Director attended the ceremony. On the part of ASTU, Dr. Alemu Disasa, the VPRTT of the university, Dr. Habtmu Beri director of Technology Transfer and University-Industry Linkage, Dr. Alemayehu Wakjira dean of SoMCME, and other management members SoMCME attended the ceremony.
ASTU has signed MoU with the Manufacturing Industry Development Institute (MIDI) to realize the university-industry linkage at a ceremony held at kaizen Excellence Center in Addis Ababa. On the occasion, Dr. Lemi Guta, the president of ASTU, underlined that the main mission given to ASTU is to support the manufacturing industries and enhance the productivity of the country. Thus today’s agreement is a further step towards achieving that mission.
Likewise, Dr. Melikesa Jagama, the general director of MIDI, also underscored that the signing of this MoU is of great importance for both partners to work together towards fulfilling the country's needs in the area of manufacturing.
Dr. Alemu Disasa, the VPRTT of ASTU briefly presented the major activities accomplished by ASTU in the recent years. Similarly, the major activities accomplished by MIDI in recent years were presented by Mr. Asrat Ayalew Public Relations Officer of MIDI.