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Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU) successfully completed the community service project titled “The Status of Quality Education in Government Primary Schools of Adama City”. The study was sponsored by the university and experienced researchers in the field were involved. Participants representing diverse stakeholders including Oromia education bureau, Oromia regional government president office, Oromia planning commission, woreda and city level education bureau officials were invited on the validation workshop held at Naflet Hotel in Adama on January 4, 2024.
Welcoming Remarks
In her opening remarks, Mrs. Hinsene Mohammed, Deputy Mayor of Adama City, expressed her heartfelt gratitude to ASTU for the successful completion of the study that address one of the pressing issues in the education sector.
Opening Remark
Dr. Alemu Dissasa, Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer of ASTU, in his opening remark highlighted that education plays significant role for the development of a nation and to be competitive globally. He stated that the issue of equity and access to education were given due attention over the past 30 years which has resulted in large number of enrolment of students. However, assuring provision of quality education is still a challenge. Dr. Alemu emphasized that ASTU has taken the initiative to contribute its part and address the quality issue by establishing ASTU special school (grade 9-12) and ASTU community school (KG-12 grade). These schools run by ASTU, admit high caliber students, recruits qualified staffs, and fulfills the facility for the schools. The study titled “The Status of Quality Education in Government Primary Schools of Adama City” which is sponsored by the university and conducted by professionals also signals that ASTU is working hard to support Adama city in its effort to improve of quality of education. Finally, appreciating the city administration for organizing the validation workshop, he assured that ASTU will support further studies that could be conducted at various levels in the future.
Dr. Ziyn Engidasew, member of the research team has presented the details of the finding of the study for the participants and clearly indicated the status of quality education in government primary schools in Adama city. The researchers have drawn conclusion that the level of education quality in the city needs intervention and have forwarded their recommendations for respective stakeholders to take action. Dr. Fikadu Cherinet, the principal investigator of the research project has addressed some of the issues raised by the participants.

Following a productive discussion among the stakeholders, the workshop concluded by the remark of the deputy Mayor of the Adama City Mrs. Hinsene Mohammed. She acknowledged the researchers as well as ASTU for the significant contribution and gave directions for every stakeholder to play their role to address the issues identified in this particular study. This event not only showcased the dedication and expertise of the involved teams but also underscored the need for further study and effort to improve the quality of education in the city and beyond.

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Office: +251 -22-211-3961,  Email: irccd@astu.edu.et
P.O.Box: 1888 Adama, Ethiopia
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Office: +251 -221-100001,  Email: sar@astu.edu.et
P.O.Box: 1888 Adama, Ethiopia

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