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ASTU signs MoU with AMG steel factory
International Women's Day was celebrated at Adama Science and Technology University
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Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU) successfully commenced the consultancy project titled "Development of a Geospatial Database for the Manufacturing Industries of Sheger City" at a kickoff workshop held at Naflet Hotel in Adama on January 2, 2024. This project follows the successful completion of a similar database development for Adama, Mojo, and Bishoftu Cities, which was formally handed over at the same event.
Signed in June 2023 between ASTU and the Oromia Investment and Industry Bureau (OIIB), the Sheger City project aims to establish a comprehensive geospatial database of manufacturing industries, analyzing their current state and providing valuable insights for informed decision-making.
The workshop drew the participation of diverse stakeholders, including regional-level officials from OIIB, the Oromia Land Bureau, and the Oromia Construction Bureau, along with city-level officials and invited guests.
Welcoming Remarks and Project Emphasis
In his opening remarks, Dr. Lemi Guta, President of ASTU, heartily congratulated both the ASTU and OIIB teams for their outstanding work on the previous project. He encouraged them to approach this new endeavor with similar dedication and passion, ensuring its timely completion with high-quality deliverables. Mr. Merga Kenea, Deputy Head of OIIB, echoed the project's significance and urged relevant bureaus to provide their full support for successful implementation.
Comprehensive Project Overview
Dr. Dejene Tesema, the project manager, delivered a thorough presentation. He provided a synopsis of the findings of previous three-city project's, main deliverables, and ongoing post-completion support. Additionally, he introduced the new Sheger City project, offering insightful details on the situation of manufacturing industries within the target area. His presentation highlighted the role of these industries in social development, economic growth, and environmental protection, while also examining the current state of urban land management in the project's industrial zones.
Fruitful Discussion and Project Handover
Following a productive discussion among the stakeholders, the workshop concluded with the official handover of the geospatial database developed for Adama, Mojo, and Bishoftu to the respective city delegates. This event not only showcased the dedication and expertise of the involved teams but also underscored the project's potential to significantly impact and reshape the manufacturing landscape in Oromia.

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International Relations and Corporate Communications
Office: +251 -22-211-3961,  Email: irccd@astu.edu.et
P.O.Box: 1888 Adama, Ethiopia
Office of Registrar  
Office: +251 -221-100001,  Email: sar@astu.edu.et
P.O.Box: 1888 Adama, Ethiopia

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