የአዳማ ሳይንሰና ቴክኖሎጂ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ከሲቪል ማህበራት ድርጅቶች ባለስልጣን ጋር በመተባበር የበጎ ፈቃድ አገልግሎት ስልጠና ሰጠ፡፡
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ASTU signs MoU with AMG steel factory
International Women's Day was celebrated at Adama Science and Technology University
ASTU commemorates World Water Day and the 13th anniversary of GERD
malta photo
ASTU and Arts Science and Technology signed the agreement at a ceremony held at Skylight hotel in Addis Ababa. The agreement is meant to realize training programs in maritime and engineering fields.
On the occasion, Dr. Solomon Tirunhe, Vice President for administration and development underscored that the main mission given to ASTU is to become advanced in science and technology and enhance the productivity of the country. Thus, the agreement is a further step towards achieving the mission and enhancing collaboration and experience sharing in different areas including providing quality education and undergoing research.
Likewise, Mr.Stephen Vella, deputy principal- business development and communications, also underscored that the signing of this MoU is of great importance for both institutions and both countries to work together towards fulfilling Ethiopia’s needs in the area of maritime and engineering.
In general, it is outlined in the MOU that it focuses on strengthening international exchanges, enhancing mutual understanding, upgrading teaching and academic levels, and promoting academic, and cultural development; based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit. This cooperative memorandum has been signed as evidence of proof for both institutions to initiate cooperation and communication with friendly discussions.
The purpose includes but is not limited to facilitate mobility of students between the universities, coordination of academic events, such as training and seminars , joint research, developing and delivering joint courses or programs, and the provision of assured high-quality education through joint initiatives in curriculum development.

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ASTU Campuse Map


Contact us

International Relations and Corporate Communications
Office: +251 -22-211-3961,  Email: irccd@astu.edu.et
P.O.Box: 1888 Adama, Ethiopia
Office of Registrar  
Office: +251 -221-100001,  Email: sar@astu.edu.et
P.O.Box: 1888 Adama, Ethiopia

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