Architecture is the major ingredient in the development of the built environment and uplifting the living standard of a society. It is strongly associated with socio-economic and cultural growth. It contributes to sectors of planning, designing, and construction that reflect functional, technical, environmental, and Aesthetical considerations. The shortage of skilled manpower in the fields of architecture is remarkably hindering the growth of the building industry and urbanization process in Ethiopia. The establishment of the Department of Architecture at the Adama Science and technology is aimed at fulfilling the professional needs both at the local and national level. The Department of Architecture at Adama Science and Technology University is a program established in 2011/2012. However, Architectural Design Technology, program was recognized as a department in 2002. Based on the framework (Setting up Adama Science and Technology University; Release 1.1.1, March 12, 2008) the former Architectural Technology Departments were reorganized under the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture.

The Architectural Engineering degree program was being given under this department. The department, in its premises, has CAD and design studios previously used for Architectural Design Technology Program. Besides strengthening the existing facilities, the department is striving to acquire new CAD, Planning, and Design Studios to strengthen its current demand.The Department conducted an art and design exhibition to bring awareness of Architecture to the Public. The works included a wide spectrum of techniques, like painting, printmaking, sculpture, and models of the architecture and architectural engineering students. The staff members of the department are also actively involved in consultancy works. The focus of the work is in the areas of architectural designs, Computer-Aided Design, Town planning, and landscape design.

Architecture is the major ingredient in the development of the built environment and uplifting the living standard of a society. It is strongly associated with socio-economic and cultural growth. It contributes to sectors of planning, designing, and construction that reflect functional, technical, environmental, and Aesthetical considerations. The shortage of skilled manpower in the fields of architecture is remarkably hindering the growth of the building industry and urbanization process in Ethiopia. The establishment of the Department of Architecture at the Adama Science and technology is aimed at fulfilling the professional needs both at the local and national level. The Department of Architecture at Adama Science and Technology University is a program established in 2011/2012. However, Architectural Design Technology, program was recognized as a department in 2002. Based on the framework (Setting up Adama Science and Technology University; Release 1.1.1, March 12, 2008) the former Architectural Technology Departments were reorganized under the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture.

The Architectural Engineering degree program was being given under this department. The department, in its premises, has CAD and design studios previously used for Architectural Design Technology Program. Besides strengthening the existing facilities, the department is striving to acquire new CAD, Planning, and Design Studios to strengthen its current demand.

The Department conducted an art and design exhibition to bring awareness of Architecture to the Public. The works included a wide spectrum of techniques, like painting, printmaking, sculpture, and models of the architecture and architectural engineering students. The staff members of the department are also actively involved in consultancy works. The focus of the work is in the areas of architectural designs, Computer-Aided Design, Town planning, and landscape design.


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College of Civil Engineering and Architecture 
Phone: 0911761884,  Email:
P.O.Box: 1888 Adama, Ethiopia
Office of Research and Technology Transfer   
Office: +251 -221-1100154  
P.O.Box: 1888 Adama, Ethiopia

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