College of Civil Engineering and Architecture
CoCEA is offering training for 45 days
Opening speech by Dr. Lemma Beressa, Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer
Dean of College of Civil Engineering and Architecure Welcomes Trainees


We are delighted to share that we have partnered with A2SV foundation, an organization that aims to discover, develop, and empower the future of African tech talent. A2SV offers a comprehensive program that covers algorithms, problem-solving, software engineering, and soft skills, equipping students for opportunities at A2SV’s partner top tech companies by improving their problem-solving skills, communication, and personal growth. We hope that our student will make the most of this opportunity.

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Yohannes Melese , graduated from Adama Science and Technology University with a dual major degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering. Yohannes has worked hard over the years, focusing not just on learning but excelling in his fields of study. His dedication has resulted in a CGPA of 3.98, with 47 A+ grades – a testament to his passion and persistence. This journey has been both challenging and rewarding for Yohannes and he is deeply grateful for the education and opportunities he has received at ASTU.

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College of Civil Engineering and Architecture 
Phone: 0911761884,  Email:
P.O.Box: 1888 Adama, Ethiopia
Office of Research and Technology Transfer   
Office: +251 -221-1100154  
P.O.Box: 1888 Adama, Ethiopia

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